weird spicy mayo i make at home
3 parts mayo 1 part normal tabasco sauce. this makes a creamy sauce that i really like, it tastes a lot more like tabasco than mayo but it also has some notes of mayo at the end which is pleasant.
i make it with hellman's mayo or kewpie mayo. other mayo might be good in this concoction but i offer no guarantees
Millie style scrambled eggs (more like adam ragusea style because i just basically make what he makes + one addition)
ingredients: 2-3 eggs, a pinch of kosher salt, a tiny splash of milk, and 1-3 torn up slices of processed american cheese.
i do two or three eggs. usually three bc i am very hungry. Crack them into some vessel, add a pinch of salt, and a little bit of milk. i dont measure the milk.
whisk them together until they make a homogenous mixture, then add them to a hot pan. the way you check the temperature for this is you take a stick of butter and slide it around the pan. if the butter foams aggressively it is the correct temperature.
after adding the egg you need to almost constantly stir until they are done, so get all of your ingredients ready by the pan before you pour the egg in.
as the eggs start to set a little bit, throw in the torn up slices of cheese into the egg so they have time to melt. That is why i use the processed cheese in this recipe, because it melts well and does not make the egg feel weird. it is also salty and cheesy, and i like both of these things. however, i know that these are very bad for you.
I like my eggs sloppy, so i pull them out before they're really all the way cooked. you do not have to do this, just put the cheese in a little earlier to compensate, perhaps.
butter (buttered?) noodles
this one is a simple staple food. i often make 1 portion at a time because im a wasteful american, but you can make more than one portion
start by cooking noodles. I usually use spaghetti cuz i have it, but it would work with any noodles
if you are making one portion, dump the noodles into a bowl, and then add a huge amount of butter (usually 1tbsp) and a little bit of corn starch
stir the noodles until the butter entirely melts in the residual heat, and then add tons of pepper and stir it in. and to be clear i do mean tons. I usually season by eye but i basically cover the entire bowl in pepper before stirring.
the corn starch makes a nice thick butter sauce that clings to the noodles. pepper is normally a subtle flavor but its front and center here.
I make this stuff when i dont want to make actual food but dont want to eat frozen shit either. it's really tasty for the extremely low effort required, and it is fatty which i like because i want to put on weight.